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  • Can you write a short introduction of the character ‘Nanase’ in ‘Street Fighter EX’ series?
    Nanase is a character from the Street Fighter EX series by Arika. She is a young girl who belongs to the Mizugami clan, a family of martial artists. She has two older siblings, Kairi and Hokuto, who are also fighters. Nanase first appeared in Street Fighter EX2 as a hidden character.
  • What is her personality?
    Nanase is a cheerful, energetic, and curious girl who loves her sister Hokuto. She is also naive, impulsive, and rebellious, often skipping her martial arts training to have fun1. She has a crush on Ryu, whom she calls “Ryu-sama”.
  • How is she related to Hokuto and Kairi?
    Nanase is the youngest sister of Hokuto and Kairi, who are both members of the Mizugami clan. The clan has a dark secret: they are cursed with a power called Satsui no Hado, which drives them to kill their own kin. Hokuto was brainwashed by her father to kill Kairi, who lost his memory after being attacked by him. Nanase was unaware of this until she met Kairi in Street Fighter EX2.
  • Why did Hokuto’s father try to kill Kairi?
    Hokuto’s father tried to kill Kairi because he was afraid of his potential to awaken the Satsui no Hado, a dark power that runs in their bloodline. He believed that Kairi would become a threat to their clan and the world if he succumbed to it. However, he failed to kill him and only caused him to lose his memory.
  • What is the relationship between Nanase (in Street Fighter EX series) and Sanane (in Fighting EX Layer)?
    Nanase and Sanane are actually the same person. Nanase is a character from Street Fighter EX series, while Sanane is her new name in Fighting EX Layer, a spiritual successor to Street Fighter EX games. Nanase changed her name after her older sister Hokuto freed her from the Mizugami clan.
  • What is the relationship between Street Fighter EX series and Fighting EX Layer? Why Nanase doesn’t appear in Fighting EX Layer? Who is Hokuto in Fighting EX Layer? And what is differences between Hokuto and Shirase?
    Street Fighter EX series and Fighting EX Layer are both fighting games developed by Arika, featuring many of the same characters. Nanase does appear in Fighting EX Layer, but under a new name, Sanane. Hokuto is Nanase’s older sister, who also appears in Fighting EX Layer. Hokuto has a split personality, Shirase, who is an assassin seeking to kill their brother Kairi.

大家可以不用看英文说的啥,因为基本上都是来自于https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Nanase 和相关词条。


  • 能介绍一下街霸EX系列中的七濑是个什么样的角色吗?
  • 她有着什么样的个性呢?
  • 七濑和北斗的关系如何,她们家族是什么构成?
  • 街霸EX系列和格斗领域EX这两个游戏作品有什么联系?
    《格斗领域EX》是一款由街霸系列的制作人西谷亮领衔研发的3D格斗游戏,被称为《街头霸王EX2》的精神续作。它承袭了《街霸EX》系列的独特格斗手感,并导入了新的“强气-Gougi-”牌组系统,能让角色的新能力觉醒或改变角色的特性。《格斗领域EXAnother Dash》是《格斗领域EX》的强化版,于2021年4月上架港服和日服的eShop商店。
  • 街霸EX的北斗和格斗领域EX的北斗有什么联系呢?






  • Who is Janet in Virtua Cop 2?
    Janet Marshall is a detective of the Virtua City Police Department, who appears in Virtua Cop 2 and 3. She is also a playable character in Fighters Megamix, a crossover fighting game featuring characters from various Sega games. She has a balanced fighting style and can counter attacks.
  • What is Janet and her fellows doing in Virtua Cop 2 and 3? What is her moving in Fighters Megamix?
    Janet and her fellow detectives are fighting against crime syndicates in Virtua Cop 2 and 3. In Fighters Megamix, she is a playable character who can use various moves such as punches, kicks, counters, throws, and specials.

  • VR战警2的珍妮特是什么样的一个角色?

  • 你知道VR战警3的相关信息吗?







  • Do you know ADK’s game NINJA MASTER’S?
    NINJA MASTER’S is a ninja-themed 2D fighting game produced by ADK and originally released in 1996 for the Neo Geo arcade and home platform. It was the sixth and final fighting game produced by ADK.
  • Please introduce the character Kasumi in this game.
    She is a young and spoiled child who wants to take the easy path in life. She can summon birds of energy to surround her body. She is a quick offensive character who works best with high hitting combos.
  • Can you show more details about her?
    Here are some more details about Kasumi:
    She is a young ninja in training from the Kurenai ninja clan.
    Her grandmother warns her about Nobunaga, advising that she stay away from the demon at all costs.
    However, she’d rather risk being cursed than face her training regime and runs away from her home to take the demon down.
    She has a pet bird named Pochi who accompanies her on her journey.
    She can use a sword or a fan as her weapon.
  • Tell me why NINJA MASTER’S didn’t get popularity in its days?
    I’m not sure if there is a definitive answer to that question, but here are some possible factors that might have affected NINJA MASTER’S popularity:
    It was released in 1996, when the Neo Geo system was already declining in popularity and facing competition from newer consoles.
    It followed the conventions of many previous 2D fighting games released for the Neo Geo, which might have made it less innovative or appealing to some players.
    It had a relatively small roster of characters (12 playable and 2 bosses), compared to other fighting games at the time.
    It received mixed reviews from critics, who praised its graphics and gameplay but criticized its sound and difficulty.
    (Same question, another answer:)
    Some possible reasons why it didn’t get popularity are:
    It was overshadowed by other bigger fighting game franchises at that time.
    It had some technical issues such as slow loading times, choppy animation, and unbalanced gameplay.
    It had a limited distribution outside Japan and was not widely available.


  • 你能介绍一下ADK的游戏《霸王忍法帖》吗?
    你好,这是必应。《霸王忍法帖》是一款由ADK开发的格斗游戏,于1996年在街机和Neo Geo平台上发行。这款游戏的特色是每个角色都有空手和使用武器两种状态,以及可以根据特定的顺序输入而完成连续技的忍者系统。
  • 能介绍一下游戏中登场的角色霞吗?
  • 霞的外貌特征是什么?
  • 《霸王忍法帖》为什么当年没火起来?








  • Street Fighter EXの七瀬はどんなキャラクターですか?
    七瀬は、Street Fighter EXシリーズのビデオゲームキャラクターです。彼女は水神一族の現在の後継者であり、カイリとホクトの妹です。彼女はStreet Fighter EXシリーズの精神的な続編であるFighting EX Layerというゲームにも登場しますが、そこでは紗波音という名前になっています。

Translation: Nanase is a video game character from the Street Fighter EX series. She is the current successor of the Mizugami clan and the sister of Kairi and Hokuto. She also appears in the game Fighting EX Layer, which is a spiritual sequel to the Street Fighter EX series, but under the name Sanane.

  • Street Fighter EXシリーズについてもっと知りたいです。
    Street Fighter EXシリーズは、Street Fighterのスピンオフシリーズで、アリカが開発しカプコンが発売した2.5Dの格闘ゲームです。スピンオフシリーズでは、人気のStreet Fighterキャラクターとアリカが作成し所有する新しいオリジナルキャラクターが半々で登場します1。シリーズには、Street Fighter EX、Street Fighter EX Plus、Street Fighter EX Plus α、Street Fighter EX2、Street Fighter EX2 Plus、Street Fighter EX3などの作品があります。現在は、シリーズ最新作となる「ストリートファイター6」が2023年に発売予定です。

Translation: Street Fighter EX series is a spin-off series of Street Fighter, consisting of 2.5D fighting games developed by Arika and published by Capcom1. The spin-off series features a cast that contains half of the popular Street Fighter characters and half of new original characters created and owned by Arika1. The series includes titles such as Street Fighter EX, Street Fighter EX Plus, Street Fighter EX Plus α, Street Fighter EX2, Street Fighter EX2 Plus, Street Fighter EX3 and so on1. Currently, the latest installment in the series, “Street Fighter 6”, is scheduled to be released in 2023.

  • 七瀬はどんな個性を持ちますか?
    はい、七瀬はStreet Fighter EXシリーズのキャラクターです。彼女は水神一族の現在の後継者であり、カイリとホクトの妹です。彼女は古武術の家系に生まれましたが、本格的に修行を始めたのはカイリが失踪した後でした。彼女は明るく元気な性格で、姉のホクトを尊敬し、兄のカイリを探しています。彼女は棒術を使って戦い、風や水などの自然エネルギーを操ることができます。

Translation: Yes, Nanase is a character from the Street Fighter EX series. She is the current successor of the Mizugami clan and the sister of Kairi and Hokuto. She was born into a family of kobujutsu masters, but she only started training seriously after Kairi disappeared. She has a cheerful and energetic personality, and she respects her sister Hokuto and searches for her brother Kairi12. She fights with a staff and can manipulate natural energy such as wind and water.



  • Street Fighter EXについて、七瀬とホクトやカイリとの関係について教えてください。
  • 水神流と水神楽の違いについて教えてください。
